Fonte: Comissão dos Direitos do Homem, Genebra.
Até agora, apenas se sabe que a N.º Dois das Necessidades disse hoje em Genebra o que se segue, pelo que nos chegou e tal como nos chegou:
«MANUELA FRANCO, Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs and Cooperation of Portugal, said that after passing moral judgments on such actions as the recent attacks in Madrid, there was a need to move to the next step, which was to take responsibility for preventing the dark forces from achieving their objectives. This was a deliberate attempt to highjack the rule of reason, the very foundation of the rights of man. The precious freedom that had been achieved over the centuries had been built on the separation of the City of Man from the City of God. For better and for worse, in good and bad times, humanity was the inheritor of a tradition that was first rooted in the fact that life was the highest good. Now, if instead of upholding the rule of reason, humanity was to fall into the trap of rationalizing the unacceptable and started to figure out myriad explainable causes for such barbarian behaviour, who knew how soon someone might recommend rolling back the same individual freedoms that were the very foundation of western prosperity. There was a cost, a moral, political, and now often personal cost to defending beliefs and the way societies were organized. But the cost was worth paying, given the alternatives. The lessons of European history showed that there could be liberty without democracy, but not democracy without liberty.
«Politics and human rights were becoming global. Moral matters were now part of the politics of many nations. However, ethics had not taken over, and often, even always, the application of moral standards was selective. The human rights field had been a field battle for an ever shifting border between national sovereignty and the right and even duty of international intervention in defense of human rights. Violent conflict remained one of the most important obstacles to upholding human rights. The development of many countries was being impeded by the devastating effects of years of conflict. Breaking this tragic cycle posed huge challenges to the international community, and required sophisticated responses. Frequently, it was clear that the cost in human and economic terms of restoring and maintaining peace was huge compared to any preventive action, had such been taken.
«Security and respect for human rights could not be separated. Without security, citizens could not fully enjoy their human rights. And without respect for human rights, long-term security was not possible. Human rights violations often acted as an early warning system. If there was to be, ultimately, any real success in preventing violent conflict, the international community should act at all levels. By taking firm action to address human rights violations wherever they occurred, the international community could help address the root causes of conflict. The human rights mechanisms of the Commission played a vital role; by promoting human rights and holding Governments accountable, it also promoted the long-term security which was in the interest of all.»
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