04 março 2006

Fim de semana. É sábado, excepto para Londres...

Não foi o Palácio das Necessidades. The Foreign Office Minister for Africa, Lord Triesman, expressed his condolences on 4 March following the death of a UNMEE (UN Mission to Ethiopia and Eritrea) peacekeeper in Eritrea and called again for the Eritrean government to lift restrictions they have imposed on UNMEE helicopter flights.

Speaking from South Africa, where he is on an official visit, Lord Triesman said: 'I offer my sincere condolences to the family of the UNMEE peacekeeper who died in Eritrea. This is exactly the kind of tragedy we all feared. Because of restrictions placed on helicopter movements by the Eritrean government the UN were unable to obtain proper medical treatment in time for their peacekeeper and he died on his way to hospital. The government of Eritrea must reverse its decision to restrict UNMEE helicopter flights in the region before this tragic event is repeated.'

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