20 julho 2006

OSCE/Transdniestria. Referendo de lado

Um "Não" da presidência belga. The OSCE will not recognize the referendum on independence called for 17 September by the Supreme Soviet of the Transdniestrian region of Moldova, the Organization's Chairman-in-Office, Belgian Foreign Minister Karel De Gucht, said today. "We do not support and have no plans to observe a unilateral referendum which calls into question the territorial integrity of the Republic of Moldova," he said. "A referendum on Transdniestria's future status, on the other hand, is a possible option, but that could only be after a political solution has been agreed at the negotiating table and only provided the necessary conditions for a free and fair vote are in place."
A presidência anual belga da OSCE traçou omo prioridade a resolução dos conflitos da Transdniestria, Abkhazia e Ossétia do Sul, mas até agora sem resultados positivos.

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