Na verdade, do que Portugal mais precisa em Milão é de uma criminologista

Veja-se parte do curriculum oficial da advogada
- "
Criminal Lawyer
Patrocinante in cassazione
Since 30 years owner of a law office with collaborators and employees.
Professional qualification:
Criminal lawyer, member of the Milan Bar, Councillor of the Milan Bar Association.

- Business criminal law, tax law and bankruptcy law
- Crimes against honour's right and libel by press
- Professional's and entrepreneur's criminal liability
- Sexual crimes
- Accident prevention and occupational safety law
Language Skills (apart from English):
Italian (mothertongue), French, Spanish and Portoguese
Professional Activities:
- - Councellor of the Milan Bar Association
- President for six years of the Criminal Commission of the International Lawyer Association (U.I.A.)
- Member of the International Lawyer Association (U.I.A.) and of the Italian Managing Committee of the International Lawyer Association (U.I.A.)
- Member of the International Jurists Association
- Vice-President of the "Centro Studi e Ricerca di Diritto Penale dell'Economia" (Research and Study in White Collar Crimes)
- Business criminal law's legal writer
- "Società Umanitaria's" Council Membership and Membership of Società Umanitaria Public Relations's Commission
Research Activities:
Conference on business criminal law, occupational safety law, International Rogatories, Tax Law, Insider Trading and others subjects
Insider trading - adequado para a nossa diplomacia económica.
Curriculum completo → AQUI
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