Nada melhor do que um Curriculum Vitae
para espairecer das síndromesJORGE RYDER TORRES PEREIRA
- Diplomatic Training Course, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Lisbon, 1987
- Scholarship from National Institute for Scientific Research at a CNRS centre, Paris, 1986
- Graduated magna cum laude at the Lisbon Medical School, University of Lisbon, 1980
Diplomatic Service:
- Consul-General in Madrid, since September 2004;
- Minister-Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, Embassy of Portugal in Moscow, 2001-2004;
- Head, Common Foreign and Security Policy Department, and European Correspondent, Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Lisbon, 2000-2001;
- Deputy European Correspondent, 1997-2000 (in charge of CFSP’s Political Dialogue during the Portuguese Presidency of the EU, 2000);
- Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, Embassy of Portugal in Tel Aviv, 1995 – 1997;
- First Secretary, and Second Secretary, Embassy of Portugal in London, 1990 – 1995;
- Private Secretary to the Secretary General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 1987 – 1990;
- Joined the Diplomatic Service in 1987
- Lecturer at the University of Lisbon (FML), 1980-1987
- “The Middle East – Strategic Situation and Perspectives for the Peace Process”, National Defence Courses 97/98, 98/99 and 99/2000 at the National Defence Institute, Lisbon;
- “The CFSP/ESDP”, Training Course for East Timorese future Foreign Service Officials, 2001;
- “The Coreu network and other forms of communication between Member-States in theEuropean Union”, Diplomatic Training Course, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Lisbon, 1998;
- “Is it possible to speak of a “Clash of Civilisations” in the Middle East?”, speaker in the Panel “Clash of Cultures” of the Science and Political Sciences Forum, Institute for Political and Social Sciences/’Universidade Técnica de Lisboa’, Lisbon, 1998;
- “The European Union’s Special Envoy to the Middle East Peace Process, its implications for the Common Foreign and Security Policy”, Theme presented at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Lisbon, 1997;
- “The Middle East Peace Process. The Role of the European Union”. Theme presented at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Lisbon, 1996;
- “Identities and Meta-Identities in the Integration Process of the European Continent”, presented at the Salzburg Seminar “An European Identity?”, Salzburg, 1994;
- “Defence And Arms Control: Comparison between Soviet and US Nuclear Doctrines”, Theme presented at the Entrance Examination to joint the MFA, 1986;Other relevant elements:
- As European Correspondent, attended the sessions of the European Council and of the General Affairs Council of the EU, as well as the informal (“Gymnich”) meetings of Ministers for Foreign Affairs in 2000 until September 2001,
- Participation in the Senior Executive Course “Crisis Management: Planning for National And International Contingencies” at the George C. Marshall European Centre for Security Studies, Garmish-Partenkirchen, September 2000;
- While in Tel Aviv, as well as dealing with Palestinian Authority related matters, followed in particular the issues of “Islamic Movements” and “Regional Security”, regularly attending meetings at “JCSS-Jaffee Center for Strategic Studies”, in the University of Tel Aviv, and at “PASSIA”-Palestinian Academic Institute for Strategic Studies”, in East-Jerusalem.;
- Participated in the Wilton Park Conference “The Arab Middle East: A New Regional Balance in Peace with Israel”, March 1995;
- Participated in the Wilton Park Conference “Asia Security and Indonesia at 50”, 1994;
- Attended the XIII Training Course for Diplomats, organised by the European Commission,
Brussels, 1991;
- Participated in Session 276 of the Salzburg Seminar “The New USSR In Transition”, August 1989;
- Portuguese Representative in the first meetings of the then European Political Cooperation’s “Arms Exports Ad Hoc Group”, 1988
- Born in Lisbon, March 30, 1956.
- Married, with Maria Alexandrovna Kuznetsov, with a son, Sebastião. From his previous marriage, two daughters, Matilde and Marta, and a son Frederico.
- National Military Service, 1983-1984.
- NC Officer at the North Military Region HQ, Oporto and at HMDIC, Lisbon.
- Decorations:
- Officer of the Order of the ”Infante D. Henrique” (Portugal)
- Officer of the Order of Merit (Portugal)
- Commander of the Order of Isabel La Católica (Spain)
- Lieutenant of the “Royal Victorian Order” (United Kingdom).
Diplomacia portuguesa. Questões da política externa. Razões de estado. Motivos de relações internacionais.
12 dezembro 2006
Síndrome de Encarregado de Negócios. De Ramallah para os de Ramaqui...
E sem que NV, mais uma vez, mexessem uma palha aqui nos chega o currículo do conselheiro de embaixada Jorge Torres Pereira que indo para Ramallah desafia alguns de Ramaqui. E segue em inglês, porque a Autoridade Palestiniana, pois esta, de português apenas percebe o do cônsul em Vancouver, Laranjeira de Abreu que é o chamado «português de Vitória».
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